October 11

Women In Technology – When 3D Printing Empowered Lives

At Imaginarium, we cherish everyone doing their part to contribute to the good work we do. So when we organized a week long celebration of Women In Technology, we took a closer look at the lives of these wonderful superwomen that we have the good fortune to work with.

It’s no news that women today face the hardships of living in a world that has patriarchy ingrained in its very DNA. Gender roles, stereotypes and inequality have clouded our judgment of just how smart, strong and successful a woman can be.

As a community, we have only just started to recognize these fallacies. Men and women all around the globe have raised the issue of gender discrimination, and poured in their support for gender equality. Things are starting to look up for the fairer folk.

But merely talking feminism is not the right answer. The women at Imaginarium believe in action more than they believe in words. They are out there to prove to the world that they are here to get things done, and get it done right. Whether it’s making beautiful jewellery, devising ingenious engineering solutions, managing accounts or even marketing the work that they do, they do it all with a panache and efficacy that’ll make any man want to be a better worker.

These are Imaginarium’s #WomenInTechnology, and they are here to 3D print a better world.

Sharmeen Merchant

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Sharmeen Merchant is a woman who works her magic behind the scenes to make beautiful jewellery come to life.

Her job is perfect blend of creativity and technicalities of fine jewellery. As a product developer with Imaginarium Precious, Sharmeen liaises with all the three keys elements of jewellery making. From conceptualizing a new jewellery line to discussing its feasibility with designers and CAD modellers and even closely overseeing production technology, she does it all with passion.

In the larger scheme of things, Sharmeen represents an entire set of talented #WomenInTechnology, whose invaluable contributions often go unrecognized. Imaginarium takes this opportunity to pay its respect to all these amazing women and their amazing work.

More power to you Sharmeen!

Tejasvi Dongare-Chaskar


The journey of a strong, independant woman of 21st century is a journey of perseverance, self learning and winning against all odds. Tejasvi Dongare-Chaskar personifies this with perfection!

6 years ago, Tejasvi Dongre walked in at Imaginarium as a Data Entry Operator for the CAD team. Slowly but surely, she taught herself complex 3D file handling and order processing at Imaginarium. She honed technical skills along the way and climbed upwards on the corporate ladder to the position of CAD team admin, and eventually to a Customer Care Executive.

Today, Tejasvi single handedly manages 50% of all the customer service and queries at Imaginarium Precious. It’s her job to put up smiles on the faces of anxious customers, which she does with aplomb. Her day begins at 6am and ends at beyond 8pm as she tirelessly juggles between the roles of a newlywed homemaker and a smart worker at Imaginarium.

Amruta Manjrekar


Amruta Manjrekar is a talented young woman who lives by a simple motto in life: never say die.

The work she does requires an exceptional amount of skill and precision, cutting open jewellery molds and preparing them for casting is not an easy task. When she joined Imaginarium over 12 years ago, she joined a team that was all men, giving the physical demands of the task at hand. But that didn’t hinder her from quickly learning the fine art of mold making. Thanks to a lot of dedication, guidance and a strong will to succeed, Amruta is now a master at what she does.

She is also quite the multitasker. Apart from work, she is the mother of a 5 year old who she personally tutors for school every single day, while managing the entire household by herself.

Amruta takes pride in how far she’s come and the things she’s achieved, as she rightly should. After all, it’s not easy wear the hats of a homemaker, a mother and a teacher while also providing for the family with skilled work, all at once.

Way to go Amruta!

Sujata Kaskar


The story of Sujata Kaskar is a story of how gender stereotypes can be overcome to rise above the convention and grow as a person in life, no matter a man or a woman.

Sujata, or ‘Tai’ as she is fondly referred to by her co-workers, is responsible for dispatch at Imaginarium. Besides carefully assessing each jewellery piece for optimal packaging, she also ensures safe deliveries, and occasionally boosts morale of weary delivery boys.

Tai has come a long way from not knowing much about computers to writing her own emails today at Imaginarium. An employee of 8 years of good service, she is encouraged in her endeavours by her husband. He often cooks for her and the family, and goes about with the daily chores all by himself when Tai is pressed for time.

With such unyielding support, Tai turned to exploring her ambitions. She often sits with her friends from other departments, learning about 3D printing and other skillsets in making jewellery with fierce passion.

Bhavya Prabhakar


Curiosity may have killed the cat, but for Bhavya Shetty it played an instrumental role in learning jewellery technology and the market in the country.

When she started working with Imaginarium, technology intimidated her. 3D printing was an alien word and her knowledge of jewellery was limited to that of a consumer. But a keen interest coupled with a burning curiosity to know how jewellery is made resulted in her rising from a market co ordinator to someone who is responsible for growing an entire platform.

Today, Bhavya single handedly manages customer relations for Imaginarium’s digital jewelry platform, Upload & Print, and researches user analytics to gain market insights.

She makes a very good point when she says, “3D printing in jewellery is largely a men’s world, given the statistics. But I feel that women can make a huge difference in the industry. Women are by far a larger set of consumers for jewellery as compared to men, we have a natural eye for quality and can do wonders when we apply skill to it!”

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