June 16

The Balancing Act: Our Inclusive People and Culture Policies


Our people drive us to do better and be the best at what we do.

Empowering our team members has always been a crucial element in our Additive Manufacturing journey. Employee well-being, including physical, mental, and emotional health is a priority at our organisation. 

At, Imaginarium, we believe in a supportive culture which values work-life integration, mental and physical health and personal growth of our team members. Keeping it in mind, we encourage our employees to prioritise their health and well-being and are committed to creating a supportive and inclusive work environment for all. 

Embracing this concept, our team members can now avail of a fresh set of time-offs, to whosoever applicable including;

  • Paternity leaves
  • Adoption leaves
  • Menstrual leaves

These leaves are in addition to the regular set of casual, sick, and mandatory leaves. We’re constantly making sure employees have the necessary support to manage their concerns without sacrificing their work responsibilities.

Conducting internal surveys, communicating and observing our team members, we realised that Imaginarium boasts a majority of young professionals from all backgrounds. This pushes us to understand new cultures and incorporate them into our HR policies and work culture.

A progressive organisation understands that the personal lives of its employees is equally important as their professional endeavours. From health concerns and medical events to joyous occasions like weddings and birthdays, our efforts are meant to support our team members through all experiences in their personal and professional lives.  

Inclusivity and diversity are crucial elements of a modern workplace, and their integration into human resources (HR) policies is important in a manufacturing company such as ours. Crafted with care and collaboration, our team members have powered through in creating policies reflecting gender equality and fairness in the workplace. 

As leaders, we have a responsibility to create an ecosystem that encourages our employees to lead fulfilling lives both inside and outside of work. At Imaginarium, we champion work-life balance through our innovative people policies, recognizing the importance of a holistic approach to well-being.

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